Sunday, May 14, 2006
the adventures of mini chili: grand finale

episode 4: a long time ago, in a city far far away (kitchener), jonathan was enjoying a nice bowl of vietnamese noodles, unaware of the unthinkable that was about to happen. the evil hot pepper (in green), infiltrated the sprouts and worked it way into john's bowl. however, it failed to mingle with the noodles. just when the evil pepper was about to give up, it was poked repeatedly by a pair of chopsticks, apparently natural selection hasn't weeded out those who mistake powerful hot peppers for benign-looking beans yet. the evil pepper played hard-to-get for a few seconds before faking submission. once in john's mouth, it started immediately to unpack its power, severely affecting john's sensory system and motor skills. i rushed to a nearby convenience station to acquire a diary-based antidote which the restaurant didn't serve. with my hands holding the antidote in a bio-preservation container, i was only able to make it three steps back into the restaurant when I was stopped by a middle-age asian woman with a big mole on her left cheek. I was denied access because I didn't have clearance for the foreign object in my hand. "no outside food!" said the female canine in a firm voice. we were forced to administer the antidote off premise.
episode 5: years had passed since the evil pepper's first attempt for world domination. john had grown smarter and had been successful in evading evil pepper's attacks. after spending much time training on a hot dry planet at 400F degrees, evil pepper gained a dark appearance and, inside of it, super concentrated power ready to be released on the first touch of any fluid form: darth pepper was born. darth pepper remained dormant in a bottle of olive oil waiting for its chance to strike. the chance came one day when the olive oil was assigned to flavour six bowls of greens. with the one in six odds, darth pepper took a gamble and hid itself in one of the bowls. luckily, with fortune on its side, it was able to infiltrate john's disgestive system again, undetected and unsuspected.
episode 6: i felt kinda bad that I was indirectly involved both times that john got attacked by darth pepper (first time I knew the pepper was there, but didn't think anyone would eat it, second time, I didn't know it went into the salad at all). so the other night when I was making a salad, I fished a cousin of darth pepper out of the olive oil bottle and threw it in my mouth. when I came to, it was already time to go to work. (:
and that's the grande finale of the adventures of the mini chili.
Edmond O Wong
just day-to-day stuff
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