Sunday, January 22, 2006
not the typical sunday
my sundays are usually laundry, cleanup, brunch, a bit of programming and trying a new restaurant with maggy. last day of relaxation before the work week begins. however things have been different since last week: soccer season started and will occupy my sunday nights for the next four months, maggy will be in hong kong for a month and today (and maybe the following sundays), I play in the red hot poker tournament.I read about the red hot poker tour (created by a well known canadian poker champion Daniel Negreanu) online and decided to go check it out this afternoon, and ended up registering for today's tournament held at Elephant & Castle in the Rideau Centre.

I'm getting tired of talking about poker. let's talk about the soccer match.
tonite was our team's second game. a 7-2 win to offset our 8-4 lost last game. I'm playing defence, not a familiar position and still trying to keep up. I was ok with the position I play until I got a ball in my crotch from blocking a shot (a bad shot/pass/whatever) in tonite's game. I almost blacked out and had to exit the field. I continued to take more abuses in the second half before the end-of-game whistle.
like usual, I came home in pain (more so this time than ever). I treated myself to a hot bath, and now I'm writing in my blog. time to hit the hay. g'nite!
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not really. you go there every sunday and play. the better you play the more points you collect. the top 120 players with most points of all of ontario will qualify for the Tournament of Champions on April 1st. winner of that tournament will win the final prize of being Negreanu's protégé.
here's the comment that mike left which I deleted by accident [delete -> delete permenently -> delete comment] (:
DocNsanE said...
Even though you don't say how it ended, congratulations on your victory at the poker tourney! Now I'm gonna have to join you for the next sitting in order to take out your pockets kings with my pocket aces =)And you're doing good in defense: I think you blocked as many shots as the goalie! Good game man, way to take one (or four) for the team!
23 January, 2006 09:12
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DocNsanE said...
Even though you don't say how it ended, congratulations on your victory at the poker tourney! Now I'm gonna have to join you for the next sitting in order to take out your pockets kings with my pocket aces =)And you're doing good in defense: I think you blocked as many shots as the goalie! Good game man, way to take one (or four) for the team!
23 January, 2006 09:12
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Edmond O Wong
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