Thursday, July 07, 2005
what a day
This morning London (UK) received 4 bomb attacks. Some 50 people died and hundreds were wounded. In the evening, I got a speeding ticket while I was driving Maggy to her French class.
When you get stopped for speeding, the worst thing you could do is denying it. coz you know and the cop knows that you are lying, and no good will ever come out of that. I'm no expert in negotiation or bargaining, but I do know that when I try to talk my way out of a ticket, I'm actually asking the cop for a favour. Knowing that will immediately change your tone of voice and the way you phrase your sentences. I can bet that no cops will give in to your arguments, but some will sympathize with your pleas. Here's my experience:
First speeding incident - 89km/h in a 50 zone
I tried to bring the ticket down by:
- arguing (politely) with the cop that I wasn't going that fast;
- suggesting there could be a margin of error with the speed gun;
- saying that it would be my first offence.
Result: a no-mercy ticket, 39Km over, 3 demerit points, full fines.
Second speeding incident - ~135km/h on the highway
I admitted that I was in a hurry and apologized for not paying attention to what speed I was going at. I explained I had no intention to drive dangerously and promised to slow down.
Result: the cop let me off with a warning
Third speeding incident - today 75km/h in a 50 zone
I pretty much employed the same strategy as last time (just being honest). The cop was nice enough to bring the penalty down from 25km/h to 15km/h, no demerit points and half the fine.
I guess it all comes down to how much your pride is worth to you. Mine is worth a lot to me, but I'm willing to swallow a little bit of my pride to avoid fines and higher insurance.

Edmond O Wong
just day-to-day stuff
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