mosquitoes fest
a.k.a. camping in the woods in mid July.
I arrived at the campsite around 7pm Friday evening. Most people had already arrived and set up their tents. The moment I got out of the car, I was greeted by around a few thousand mosquitoes.

Roy helped me quickly set up my tent and introduced me to his friends there (roy was the only person I knew there at the time). I got many of the names mixed up (some 15 of them) at first. By saturday I got most of them right (no guarantee on the spelling tho). I only forgot the name of the guy who I see at work all the time... (:
That night, Aine and Madhu

offered me a hotdog (tasty!) and I roasted some corn and veggies for supper. We sat around the camp fire and listened to Mike's blond jokes. Linh and Edmond (<-- another Edmond) joined us after nightfall.

The park rangers came to check on us twice that night. Once for asking us to turn off the music, and once for asking us to keep our voices down. Their second visit sorta killed the party and we soon went to bed. Most people got up before 9am the next morning. I had some toasts with bananas (Bee-a-n-a-n-a-s!), and then we were off to the beach. Most of the pictures were taken there.

Around noon we tried to setup Ideen(?) and Tsz' tents.

The first tent ended up looking something like a prehistoric monster. We gave that one up and put up another tent instead. For some fun under the sun, we played volleyball and soccer (Andrew, Ayana and Brennan were there). I think I'm starting to like playing volleyball (too bad I can't say the same about swimming). My soccer ball was declared dead at the scene so we kicked around roy's volleyball instead.

The mosquitoes started to come out around 5pm, and it started to rain really hard. We tried to get a poker game going under a leaky tent. It was pretty difficult without a table and having water constantly dripping from the ceiling. Mud kept laughing and saying "this is ghetto". That night we set up a tarp under a tree because of the rain, where we did a bit of chatting, drinking, spilling wine on roy's shorts, making animal noises, smoking cigars and getting high on bug repellent. It rained throughout the night to the time we left sunday morning.
Despite the mosquitoes and the weather, I really enjoyed the camping trip and especially the company of everyone there. looking forward to doing it again soon... once my body stops itching like crazy.