Tuesday, July 12, 2005
A New Renaissance was playing at le Bop last night and I was going to check it out. I invited Roy at the last minute. He hopped on a train to join me in downtown so we would go together in my car. We got there around 9:45. There was a $6 cover so we wanted to first find out whether Mike had already played. We saw Mike and Sab thru the window so we waved like two maniac groupies trying to get their attention. Turned out we were right on time, they were just getting ready to go on.
The temperature was 40C with the humidex, but the heat was quickly forgotten after the show started (and after a couple of sips of beer). After they finished, we chilled with Sab and Mike for a bit.

I dropped off roy and picked maggy up from work. She didn't want to go home just yet so we parked the car and walked to the Black Bear (a nearby pub). We smoked a couple of cigaritos over a pint of beer each. We chatted until closing and headed back home.
That night I felt feverish and didn't sleep well. I ended up missing work the next day (and apparently I missed a hell of a team meeting).
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Yes, beer was had at the meeting. Lots of beer on empty stomach makes Guillaume something something.
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