Saturday, April 29, 2006
fender bender

after much abuse from several moves, camping trips and the dry winter air at my apartment, my acoustic fender's neck became a bit bent. after several hours of tweaking at it, i finally got it straight(er). added an hour of tuning (not that it really needs an hour, but tuning a guitar does better than meditation to me, puts me in zen mode), my fender now sounds as good as new (i still play as badly as usual tho).
Saturday, April 22, 2006
civic for sale
it's sad, but I need to let my civic, my baby, go. I listed her on eBay for about C$6k and received this question/offer from an eBay shopper:Hello, I was wondering if your civic was still available for sale? If it is for how much? I'm a student in toronto and i have about $2800.
To which I replied:
Thanx for looking. Instead of writing you two paragraphs of swear words for low-balling me, I found you this budget 93 civic on the net for sale in Toronto for under 2k: http://toronto.kijiji...4524. Hope that fits your needs, and good luck with your studies.
i just realized i never took even one picture with the car and me in it...

Friday, April 14, 2006
i feel dumber already...
... having had three of my wisdom teeth pulled out yesterday.I'm feeling fine/numb/high today, not really sure which with all the pain killer in me. All and all, the experience was not as scary as I had let myself to believe for the past few days (or the past few years for that matter that I had refused to have my wisdom teeth removed).
Bertrand Russell once said, "To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom." To me it was "to conquer fear is the end my wisdom (teeth)."
Mike gave me a ride home after the surgery, and even went to pick up my prescription for me after I passed out on the bed. then called me later that night to make sure I was ok. thanx, Mike! really appreciate your help!
eating plain congee now... plain congee good...
Sunday, April 09, 2006
taking a break from poker
since the Red Hot tournament of champions in toronto on April 1st, I've been taking a break from poker. my prize from the tournament was this picture with Negreanu:
On Friday night, Xavier, Karine, Bob, Christine, John, Guillaume and the two unborned are at my place for dinner. the night's special menu contained no fish, no cold cuts, no soft cheese, no liver, no undercooked steak, no caffeinated products, no luncheon meat, no meat spreads, no smoked seafood, no unpasturized dairy products, the prescribed diet for the pregnant goes on for four pages. luckily, some overcooked chicken cordon bleu seems to fit the bill (i thought I smelt something burnt, ah well).
next time i'll do a hotpot party. less preparation to do. (;
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Edmond O Wong
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