Wednesday, February 22, 2006
quebec and their taxes
i've just finished my ontario tax return. I contributed half as much in rrsp this year but got more refunds than last year filing as a quebec resident. i know what you'll say: quebec's child welfare is better, houses/rents are cheaper, etc... but just look at the last line of my tax declaration, damn!today I was parliamentary secretary for an hour during the mock parliament debate in a parliamentary procedures training session.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006
missed work
missed work yesterday coz I felt sick... could've been my spending too much time outside in the cold on sunday, on the canal taking pictures. i stuck the pictures on my now picture blog on msn space. i was feeling a lot better in the afternoon after sleeping past noon. was going to go to work for a couple of hours but ended up just meeting up with mick at the cock and lion instead.didn't play poker coz tonite was the permanency outting courtesy of the five newly promoted at work (thanx for the beer, etienne, roger, chris, sylvain and roy!). at one point we were talking about people with several food allergies which got us thinking that we might all be allergic to certain types of food to some degree without knowing it, which to some degree might affect our wellness, our mood, our concentration, and maybe (since I'm a gambling man), our luck.
this week i'm on a special veggie and white meat diet: spinach, corn, lettuce and apples, plus thoroughly cooked chicken and pork. forbidden are red meat, rare meat, innards, broccoli, cantiloupe, any root-based vegetables and sharp broken glass.
Friday, February 10, 2006
i am number 10
i used to use 19 as my number (eg, coldfire19) until recent years coz I felt bad that it's also bob's number and he has a good reason for liking it, too. so I relinquished the number (afterall, it's just digits) and had been numberless for quite some time.having a number is useful in certain ways, such as using it for account name suffixes, temporary passwords, pager alias and/or lottery number.
i tried to get in the habit of using 237 (guess why) but never really felt attached to it.

more pointless posts like this one to come in the future, stay tuned. (:
Thursday, February 09, 2006
so many goodies, so little money
people say shopping and buying stuff you like cheers you up when you've got the blues. so I set aside a few hours on tuesday to do some shopping. 
mom liked the gift, and that cheered me up.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
i love noodles
i make myself noodles all the time, and tonite is no exception. it's easy to make a complete meal with a bowl of noodles, and it's fun (and delicious) to go all out with the toppings, too.
I had lunch with Bob, Karine, Xavier, Pierre-James and the long-time-no-see Arianne at the Eggspectation at noon today. Service was slow but we could see the servers were doing whatever they could. Xavier is adorable and full of energy as always.
after lunch, I hit Elephant and Castle again for my usual sunday poker game. John, Ali-John and Mick were there, too, and they were doing very well for themselves. Ali eliminated my dad and me early in the game. Mick was blessed by the poker gods and was hitting every card he needed against the worst possible odds. by the time I left, john was watching from the sideline, and both Ali and Mick held a sizeable chip stack.
soccer is at nine tonite. i'll be playing forward. hope I come back in one piece.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
stuffed up
I am barely awake, yet I can't fall nasal was bothering me I couldn't rest. when I do fall semi-asleep, I hallucinate and become very uncomfortable (usually result of a fever). maybe I should just take Aco's advice: get hammered and fall unconscious, even if I don't, I won't care too much about the cold anymore.
... maybe not tonite.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
I'm officially sick... scratchy throat, muscle aches, warm forehead, stuffed nasal...and there's so much stuff to do at work...
just want to go home, turn on the music and hit the bed.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
edmond's blog
Edmond O Wong
just day-to-day stuff
my blogs:
my picture blog